Friday, July 24, 2020

Pro Tip#8 - Networking

Film schools never teach you marketing & networking and these are two of the most important things to learn in this industry. A lot of very good talent goes to waste as they lack these skills.

It does not matter if you're a director or a producer or an intern that's just starting out. Being a friendly person to work with will not only make your employers come back to you time and time again but those same people would also recommend you to others. Who wouldn't want to work with a person who is cheerful even at the most stressed-out times? 

Make friends with all, from the runner on your set to the client that is present. You never know when someone climbs the ladder or changes their path. An assistant from today could be your potential client tomorrow. Of course, you will come across people you don't like and never want to work with, even in such situations be polite and try and move out of the situation or job or project as quietly and quickly as possible. Never burn bridges with anyone. 
Besides the workplace how do you go about networking? start simple, by adding your peers on social media. See other people's work, say nice things about it if you like it. As and when possible make friends with others beyond your office network like when you are in studios and there are others around. Post-production studios are a great way to meet people from different organizations. Go for parties and events like award functions or film festivals, these are great places to build your network quickly if your good at it. Invite your potential clients, agencies out to drinks, or dinner. A post wrap party is always a nice time to bond.

But in your effort of networking, do not force your self on people by constantly messaging and chatting. Give people their space too. If it's meant to be you will become friends with that person. Don't keep asking people for work, see Tips When Applying For Work

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